Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Honda Vario Motorcycle Modification

Honda Vario Motorcycle Modification, this is the best modification of honda vario. I like this Honda vario, this Honda Vario look so good and strong, I wanna this motorcycle.
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This Honda Vario  motorcycle is totally green, best painting motorcycle, modifikasi honda vario, top modifikasi motor vario green.

Honda Vario Motorcycle Modification

Honda Vario Motorcycle Modification, this is the best modification of honda vario. I like this Honda vario, this Honda Vario look so good and strong, I wanna this motorcycle.
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This Honda Vario  motorcycle is totally green, best painting motorcycle, modifikasi honda vario, top modifikasi motor vario green.


Suzuki shogun 125 sp. I have three pictures MODIF suzuki shogun 125 sp which is roughly the image when the motor modification in the title contest. The best picture is the number three. because I see a modification of the bike is very unique and beautiful clean look to the eye and have a high selling value.
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Suzuki%2BShogun%2B125%2BModification MODIF SUZUKI SHOGUN 125 SP Suzuki%2BShogun%2B125%2BModification%2B3 MODIF SUZUKI SHOGUN 125 SP
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Modifikasi Motor Yamaha Fino Sporty Retro

Modifikasi motor, viem modifikasi motor yamaha vino. This is the great custom of modifikasi motor yamaha Fino. Yamaha Vino Classic Specifications. Yamaha Vino Classic Reviews, Prices and Specs. Get the latest Yamaha Vino Classic reviews, and 2010 Yamaha Vino Classic prices and specifications.
Yamaha+Fino+Modified Modifikasi Motor Yamaha Fino Sporty Retro
Yamaha launch Mio Soul and we hear some rumors in recent days that Yamaha will bring their retro bike to Indonesia, Yamaha Vino. sells performance and stock-replacement scooter parts for Yamaha, Kymco, … as performance parts for the Yamaha Vino 125, and the all new Zuma 125. modifikasi motor yamaha, yamaha vino 125, retro bike, zuma, stock replacement, 50cc, kymco, performance parts, scooter, stroke, indonesia

I have a 2006 Yamaha Vino Classic 50cc 4 stroke moped, … Are you sure those ones going over 40 are 50cc? They have a 125cc version.

Yamaha Mio Motorcycle Gold Color Modification

Yamaha Mio Motorcycle Gold Color Modification. Modifikasi motor yamaha mio gold. yamaha mio image, yamaha mio photoshoot motorcycle modification.
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yamaha mio motorcycle, motorcycle modification, motor yamaha, gold color.

Favorite Sport Bike New Yamaha Byson 150

Byson carrying 153 cc engines or larger than the V-Ixion, 149.8 cc. Of technology, the fuel supply system, V-Ixion more sophisticated, injection. While still relying Byson carburetor. Hence, the price is cheaper than expected V-Ixion.
New%2BYamaha%2BByson%2B2010%2Bindonesia Favorite Sport Bike New Yamaha Byson 150[New+Yamaha+Byson+2010.jpg]
FZ identity, or later transformed into Byson, using Monoshock suspension technology (Yamaha call monocross) with the special characteristics Muffler MidShip large
According to Yamaha, this design provides weight concentration of a better and efficient exhaust gas. Stable control for use in 140/60-17 rear tire.

Modifikasi Bajaj DTS-si 125CC 2010 motorcycle

Modifikasi Bajaj DTS-si 125CC 2010 motorcycle motorbikes Engine modif modification Picture. Modifikasi Bajaj DTS-si 125CC, Bajaj DTS-si 125CC 2010 motorcycle, Modifikasi Bajaj, DTS-si 125CC 2010 motorcycle .
Modifikasi Bajaj DTS-si 125CC, Bajaj DTS-si 125CC 2010 motorcycle, Modifikasi Bajaj, DTS-si 125CC 2010 motorcycle
New Modifikasi Bajaj DTS-si 125CC 2010 motorcycle motorbikes Engine modif modification. Modifikasi Bajaj DTS-si 125CC 2010 motorcycle motorbikes Engine.

With the new XCD 125cc DTS-SI, bajaj presents a new technology for which it applied for the patent. The XCD comprises a flexible mechanism of number plate .

Modifikasi Motor Smash | Modifikasi Suzuki Smash Racing Airbrush

Modifikasi Motor, Modifikasi Motor Smash | Modifikasi Suzuki Smash Racing airbrush. Modifikasi motor spirit menginspirasi ide modifikasi custom yellow airbrush.
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Modifikasi motor smash, amazing modifikasi motor with yellow racing custom airbrush make this suzuki smash look different and born again. This modification inspire come from Young Modifikasi Motor Spirit. So, shockbreker double standard models modified to Monoshock.
This makes replacement of the standard swing arm turned into handmade products from the aftermarket. Great was not haphazardly done that part, as well as other sections, because the goods are used and given a little expensive custom touch.
According to the Court, put the cover body X1-R in Smash quite complicated. You see, there are several components that must be cut, plus, and moved. In addition, he had to reset the handle cover mounting bolts, from front to rear.
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Modifikasi motor, extreme suzuki smash modifikasi. Look from the front until the tile of this suzuki smash motorcycle. I think this is the best Modifikasi Motor view.

Memilih dan Merawat Roller yang Tepat Untuk Motor Matic

Fungsi roller pada motor matic adalah untuk memberikan tekanan keluar pada variator hingga dimungkinkan variator dapat membuka dan memberikan sebuah perubahan lingkar diameter lebih besar terhadap belt drive sehingga motor dapat bergerak. Kinerja variator ini sangat ditentukan oleh Roller, baik itu bentuk maupun bahan roller, dan yang terpenting adalah berat dari roller.
Bentuk roller yang baik harus lah berbentuk bundar, bentuk bundar dan sempurna mempermudah pergerakan dari variator, bila bentuknya sudah tidak bundar, maka sudah waktunya Anda mengganti Roller motor matic Anda. Bahan yang dipergunakan biasanya terbuat dari bahan teflon karena sifatnya yang licin, keras, dan tahan panas.

Meningkatkan Aselerasi dan Top Speed

Dikarenakan roller sangat berpengaruh terhadap perubahan variabel dari variator, tentu akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap performa motor matic. Aselerasi dan Top Speed sulit didapatkan secara bersamaan dalam sebuah motor matic tanpa meningkatkan kinerja dapur pacu. Dalam meng-”utak-atik” roller, Anda hanya akan dihadapkan pada pilihan: “Aselerasi” atau “Top Speed”.
Bila kita sering melakukan perjalanan di dalam kota, melewati kemacetan, kondisi yang “stop and go”, dan jarak yang tidak terlalu jauh, pilihan Anda sebaiknya adalah Aselerasi. Aselerasi akan lebih baik bila Roller memiliki berat lebih ringan. Misalnya, bila berat standard dari roller yang dipergunakan adalah 13 Gram, Anda akan mendapatkan sensasi aselerasi ini dengan menggunakan roller 12 Gram.
Namun bila Anda sering melakukan perjalanan antar kota dengan jarak yang cukup jauh atau bahkan touring dengan rekan – rekan Anda. Pilihan Top Speed lebih cocok dipergunakan. Sama dengan contoh kasus diatas, Top speed yang lebih baik akan Anda peroleh dengan mengganti Roller dengan yang lebih berat dari berat standard, misalnya 14 Gram.

Membersihkan Roller

Membersihkan Roller secara berkala juga diperlukan, dengan menggunakan bensin dan kuas, Anda dapat menghilangkan debu-debu dan kotoran yang menempel. Untuk beberapa jenis motor matic yang memerlukan pelumasan (grease) pada roller, memerlukan pemeriksaan dan perawatan lebih sering dari pada yang tidak menggunakan pelumasan.

Aselerasi dan Topspeed Bersamaan

Saat ini, saya menggunakan Roller yang terbilang tidak biasa, roller yang tidak bundar. Roller yang saya pergunakan sekarang adalah produksi dari Dr. Pulley dari Taiwan, yang disebut dengan Sliding Roller. Dengan mempergunakan berat kombinasi 12 dan 13 gram, tarikan terasa lebih merata pada tarikan awal, aselerasi, maupun pada putaran tinggi. Aselerasi dan Deselerasi juga cukup mengagumkan…
Roller ini terbilang cukup unik, harganya pun bisa sampai 12 kali dari roller biasa. Bahan yang dipergunakan terbilang lebih awet, menurut pembuatnya ia menyebut bahan teflon ini dengan sebutan SL-9. Setelah satu tahun lebih, dan berjalan sejauh 25.000 Kilometer, kondisi Roller tersebut masih cukup bagus. Kemungkinan masih bisa dipergunakan hingga 2 tahun kedepan.
Roller Dr. Pulley ini tersedia untuk berbagai merk scooter matic yang beredar di Eropa dan Taiwan seperti Yamaha Majesty (125 dan 250), Honda, Kymco, Suzuki Skywave 250, Piaggio, GY6 Based Scooter (Kymco, SYM), Gillera, Aprilia, Malaguti, Peugeot.
Untuk beberapa Tipe Scooter Matic yang berada di Indonesia dapat juga di terapkan: Honda Vario, Suzuki Spin 125, dan Kymco semua jenis matic (Trend 125, Trend SR 125, Easy/Easy JR 100, Free LX 110, Free EX/ECX/MX 100, Dink 150, Grand Dink 250, dan Xciting 500).
Ide Konstruksi, Bahan, dan Bentuk dari Sliding Roller Dr. Pulley ini telah dipatenkan oleh penemunya, dan telah beredar ke negara-negara eropa dan Amerika.
Hasil Test Performa:

Dimana Membeli Dr. Pulley ?

Maaf sy gak bisa melayani lewat nomer HP :) pulsa saya terbatas :D Jadi tanya-jawabnya di sini saja.
Beli sliding roller bisa di Dutamatic Bandung, terakhir saya kesana masih ada barangnya, atau bisa hubungi teman-teman angkringan atau masuk ke Beberapa rekan telah mengimpor sliding roller, hit clutch, dan variator dr.pulley dari Taiwan. Anda juga bisa memesan melalui situs ebay, hanya untuk diketahui, Yamaha Mio, Suzuki Spin, Suzuki Skywave, Honda Beat, Honda Vario, tidak terdapat / populer di wilayah eropa / taiwan. Hanya saja, beberapa rekan pernah mengujicobakannya dan cocok di Yamaha Mio, Suzuki Spin, dan Honda Vario.

2010 Honda Silverwing GT 600 version of Gran Turismo

2010 Honda Silverwing GT 600 version of Gran Turismo

Honda Motor has adapted the accepted archetypal Silverwing 600, he congenital it into a adaptation of Gran Turismo.
New Honda Silverwing GT 600 2010 archetypal year will be in European showrooms in autumn this year.
A new, actual accomplished dashboard. New will be a able bifold advanced headlight. Will access the advance of the suspension. The braking arrangement will absence ABS adapted as advantage – CBS.
There will additionally be a parking anchor and proprietary arrangement for aegis adjoin thieves from Honda alleged HISS. Engine that will be 4-stroke 2-cylinder with cyberbanking injection, a accommodation of 37 kW at 7 000 rpm.

2010 Honda Silverwing GT 600 version of Gran Turismo

2010 Honda Silverwing GT 600 version of Gran Turismo

Honda Motor has adapted the accepted archetypal Silverwing 600, he congenital it into a adaptation of Gran Turismo.
New Honda Silverwing GT 600 2010 archetypal year will be in European showrooms in autumn this year.
A new, actual accomplished dashboard. New will be a able bifold advanced headlight. Will access the advance of the suspension. The braking arrangement will absence ABS adapted as advantage – CBS.
There will additionally be a parking anchor and proprietary arrangement for aegis adjoin thieves from Honda alleged HISS. Engine that will be 4-stroke 2-cylinder with cyberbanking injection, a accommodation of 37 kW at 7 000 rpm.

2012 Range Rover Autobiography Ultimate

2012 Range Rover Autobiography Ultimate
At $21,485, Land Rover's Autobiography trim package has served to make the $95,465 Range Rover Supercharged the swankiest Rubicon-runner in the land. But the trouble with having it all is that soon you want more. Owners of $117,000 Porsche Cayenne Turbos can go back to the options well and keep ticking until they hit $171,175 (maybe even more). Well, now Range Rover has simplified the selection of wretched off-roading excess by introducing the Autobiography Ultimate Edition-one box to tick that fast-tracks the sticker to $170,000.
Range Rover Autobiography Ultimate Front Three Quarters View
 For that kind of dough you get baby's-bottom-soft leather everywhere (including the headliner and cargo area sides), Kalahari wood trim (that has a real Born-Free ring to it, eh?) on the dash and doors and genuine teak wood on the cargo deck and tailgate, grouted with the same rubbery non-slip stuff they use on boats. The hinges and tie-downs back there are rendered in Monaco-harbor-grade polished stainless too.
Each rear throne is fully adjustable, heated, and cooled, and enjoys its own iPad integrated into the front seat headrest. Naturally there's a champagne cooler and two stemware holders, plus a truly usable tray table that flips up out of the center armrest for use by either (but not both) of the rear-seat occupants. The choice of interior ambiances include ivory and either dark cherry or Arabica, as desired to coordinate with the exclusive exterior shades of Roussillon Red or Otago Stone. To identify an Ultimate Edition from the outside, look for its unique "atlas" grille, new side vents and special 20" multi-spoke diamond-turned alloy wheels. An Exterior Design Package and deployable side steps will also be available. Once identified, however, the rear windows' privacy coating may prevent you from seeing the occupants.
Hurry up and order yours now-of the 500 that will be built, only 50 are coming to the U.S.

2012 range rover vogue

2012 range rover hse

2012 Range Rover Autobiography

2012 Range Rover Autobiography Ultimate
2012 Range Rover Autobiography Ultimate
2012 Range Rover Autobiography Ultimate

2012 Range Rover Autobiography Ultimate

2012 Range Rover Autobiography Ultimate
At $21,485, Land Rover's Autobiography trim package has served to make the $95,465 Range Rover Supercharged the swankiest Rubicon-runner in the land. But the trouble with having it all is that soon you want more. Owners of $117,000 Porsche Cayenne Turbos can go back to the options well and keep ticking until they hit $171,175 (maybe even more). Well, now Range Rover has simplified the selection of wretched off-roading excess by introducing the Autobiography Ultimate Edition-one box to tick that fast-tracks the sticker to $170,000.
Range Rover Autobiography Ultimate Front Three Quarters View
 For that kind of dough you get baby's-bottom-soft leather everywhere (including the headliner and cargo area sides), Kalahari wood trim (that has a real Born-Free ring to it, eh?) on the dash and doors and genuine teak wood on the cargo deck and tailgate, grouted with the same rubbery non-slip stuff they use on boats. The hinges and tie-downs back there are rendered in Monaco-harbor-grade polished stainless too.
Each rear throne is fully adjustable, heated, and cooled, and enjoys its own iPad integrated into the front seat headrest. Naturally there's a champagne cooler and two stemware holders, plus a truly usable tray table that flips up out of the center armrest for use by either (but not both) of the rear-seat occupants. The choice of interior ambiances include ivory and either dark cherry or Arabica, as desired to coordinate with the exclusive exterior shades of Roussillon Red or Otago Stone. To identify an Ultimate Edition from the outside, look for its unique "atlas" grille, new side vents and special 20" multi-spoke diamond-turned alloy wheels. An Exterior Design Package and deployable side steps will also be available. Once identified, however, the rear windows' privacy coating may prevent you from seeing the occupants.
Hurry up and order yours now-of the 500 that will be built, only 50 are coming to the U.S.

2012 range rover vogue

2012 range rover hse

2012 Range Rover Autobiography

2012 Range Rover Autobiography Ultimate
2012 Range Rover Autobiography Ultimate
2012 Range Rover Autobiography Ultimate